What is Theta Healing?


What Is Theta Healing?


Epigenetics teaches us that our culture and environment actually program our DNA. Sometimes we have positive programs that provide us with values and a guidance system and other times, our subconscious mind is playing out programs from our ancestors, our collective stories, and even past life traumas that are destructive to our self image, our understanding of reality and our ability to feel powerful, free and abundant. Fortunately, neuro-plasticity research has demonstrated that adult brains have the capacity to change over time and create new neuronal connections and new understandings of the world.

“It is through the removal and replacement of negative belief programs that the body is able to conquer physical illness and remove emotional blockage. Belief work will enable you to create the life that you want for yourself, for it is a truth that we create our own reality and that we are all connected to [a higher consciousness].” “It is through the gift of co-creation or synergy with God that it is possible to bring God into our reality to heal others and ourselves.” -Vianna Stibal, Founder of Theta Healing®.

What is Theta?

Theta is a very deep state of relaxation, the state used in hypnosis when the brainwaves are slowed to a frequency of four to seven cycles per second. Theta brainwaves can be thought of as the subconscious, which holds memories, governs our attitudes, beliefs and behavior. Theta also means “God” in Greek, and so it turns out that when you call upon God in this state of deep relaxation, you get into “God-consciousness,’ and “like an electrical socket,” you can plug in and remove pain, heal a person or visualize and manifest something into your reality.

About Theta Healing

Theta Healing ® is a process of meditation and prayer that creates physical, psychological, and spiritual healing using the Theta brain wave.  The technique was designed to clear limiting beliefs and empower us to live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. It helps develop our intuitive abilities and can be used to bring about spontaneous changes in our physical and emotional wellbeing.  

ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK at www.thetahealing.com 

Where did Theta Healing Originate From?

According to Vianna Stibal, Theta Healing ® actually began thousands of years ago in ancient civilizations and has been used for millennia as humanity awakens. She believes that “we are now entering into a new transition of development to begin to accept our power as divine sparks of God. The ThetaHealing techniques are easy to follow, however it takes practice to develop true intuitive potential.” Anyone can learn and practice this technique, and therefore become empowered to troubleshoot through issues and make miraculous changes in their life.


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