What No One Tells You About Building A Course

What No One Tells You About Building A Course

Building a course can be a very rewarding experience, but it is also a lot of work. There are many things that people do not tell you about building a course, and I wanted to explore some of the most important ones.

It takes time

One of the biggest misconceptions about building a course is that it can be done quickly. However, creating a course that is well-structured, engaging, and effective takes time. You need to research your topic, plan out your lessons, and create high-quality content. This can take weeks or even months. You need to come in with the mindset that you will have to spend a bit of time to create, research and plan.

You need to know your audience

To create a course that is effective, you need to know your audience. This means understanding their needs, learning styles, and preferences. You need to create content that resonates with your audience and addresses their pain points. This can involve conducting surveys, talking to potential students, and doing market research. You also need to know how to get them the results you are promising, and the results they are searching for. So make sure you take the time to understand them and what they ultimately want from you.

Content is king

When it comes to building a course, content is king. You need to create high-quality content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to your audience. This can involve creating videos, writing blog posts, developing interactive quizzes, and more. Your content should be structured in a way that is easy to follow and understand. Especially in the times we are at now, the attention spans are shorter and shorter. So consider making things bite sized, gamified or even something you can collaborate with others on to keep the motivation going.

Feedback is essential

Getting feedback from your audience is essential to improving your course. This can involve asking for feedback through surveys, conducting focus groups, or even offering one-on-one coaching. Feedback can help you identify areas where your course needs improvement, and it can also help you to understand what your audience is looking for. One of the biggest eye openers for me was understanding that things that come naturally and easy for me, aren’t always that way for my audience. I needed to add additional steps, and modules, into the course to help my audience work through those pieces and have a clearer understanding.

Marketing is important

Once you have built your course, you need to market it effectively. This can involve creating a landing page, funnel and email sequences, promoting your course on social media, creating events and campaigns, finding partners and affiliates and even running ads. You need to create a marketing strategy that is targeted towards your audience and that communicates the value of your course. Pay close attention in your research phase as to where they like to hang out, where they gather information, what platforms your audience is on, and how you can best spread your message. When you market, make sure you prioritize those places first to ensure your message is seen.

It can be a team effort

Building a course can be a lot of work, and it can be helpful to have a team to support you. This can involve working with subject matter experts, graphic designers, video editors, and more. Having a team can help you to create a course that is high-quality and engaging. Outsourcing items that aren’t in your wheelhouse or delegating certain tasks can make the process less overwhelming and will ensure a better quality product in the end, which should translate into more sales.

Building a course can be a very rewarding experience, but it is also a lot of work. You need to invest time and effort into researching your audience, creating high-quality content, and marketing your course effectively. With the right approach and a willingness to learn, you can create a course that is both effective and engaging. I have created an incredible resource that has all of these steps and more mapped out for you.

Let me introduce you to my Course Creator Templates. These templates are designed to help remove part of the thinking processes around what comes next, or how you need to move through the building process. These templates are 100% customizable to you and your business and can be duplicated and used over and over again as you continue to create. You can get your copy by visiting our Etsy shop here.


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