7 Ways I Brought In More Abundance In My Life And Business



Surprising Ways I brought In More Abundance in My Life and Business

I have studied and taught energetic tools and rituals related to abundance for several years now, yet there is always more to improve on and sometimes paying attention to some simple but actually fundamental blockers in your life can make all the difference! Here are a few ways that seemingly obvious adjustments can return surprising results!

  1. I Cleaned out my email inbox… which Improved My overall wellbeing.

Anyone feeling guilty that they have 500,000+ emails (mostly unopened) in their inbox? While we don’t think it affects us, in reality it is a feeling of mental clutter that ends up projecting into our reality.

I was finding that the volume of emails overwhelmed me and prevented me from engaging with any content at all, for fear of wasting my time. I even missed important emails because they were buried under other ones I didn’t want to read.

So I ended up deleting almost all of my emails and opting out of 100s of subscriptions. Yes it took a little bit of time and effort but it was well worth it in the long term. In case you are wondering, I used the www.mailstrom.com software to help me do this in a few hours and I still run weekly checks to minimize my inbox.

What happened as a result surprised me. I kept only the subscriptions of mentors and influencers whose content I actually really enjoyed and I started to read them. I took advantage of promotions, attended valuable workshops and networking events which then led me to fun collaborations and making new connections.

I became very selective with what I opted into, and started to check-in with myself every month on what community and content felt good for me to be a part of at this point in time.

Sounds simple, but by turning around my relationship with email, I turned around my relationship to life. As email began to nurture my soul (rather than expecting it to attack me with spam) so I started to view the outside world the same way.

Rather than feeling like everyone was trying to sell me, bombard me, use me, get my attention or take from me, it contributed to my overall belief that I could tune into the right people who were actually trying to serve me, connect with me, help me and nourish me.

By setting boundaries with the things and people I didn’t want to take my time and attention (on a small scale) is what I needed to do on a larger scale to stay focused on my path and the things that truly energized me.

2. I Sold clothing, books…and Saw my Value Grow.

I tend to do a general house cleanup at least once a year, and the reason behind such ritual was inspired by the KonMari method: “When you put your house in order, you have no choice but to listen to your inner voice – because the question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.”

I use a couple of different websites like Ebay and Realreal to clean out what was no longer giving me immense pleasure, or that I outgrew either in style, mentality etc. When we grow into a new person, sometimes that means upgrading our wardrobe and general possessions to reflect what we feel about ourselves on the inside.

When I made more room in my closet, my subconscious went to work to figure out how to fill it with the upgrade. I was unexpectedly gifted beautiful clothes from friends and family as soon as I put out the intention.

But most importantly, the money I received back, I spent on a course which upgraded my skills, and allowed me to serve my clients more deeply. Which in turn upgraded the value and appreciation I felt, and created more feelings of abundance and the joy from being/working in my soul aligned purpose, which in turn, attracted new opportunities to showcase my new acquired knowledge.

3. I moved apartments…again….and this upgraded my Relationships.

I am fortunate to live in a beautiful, brand new apartment complex with gorgeous bay views in Miami. Yes I could have renewed my lease at a slight increase in price, and would probably enjoy myself and not have the “hassle” of moving. I could have given into the fear that I wouldn’t find anything better.

But my soul was looking for a shift. A shift into an even better version of me, which included an even bigger upgrade to my environment. And my inner knowing of wanting to be closer to nature and more grounded to the earth led me to a new more peaceful space that would nurture the next stage of my evolution. Honoring our desires and moving allows us to continue to grow, rather than stay stagnant in a place we feel comfortable in or is just familiar.

And this time, it didn’t require that the apartment be more expensive to accomodate my newfound taste. Rather, when I aligned more deeply with my values, that is when the apartment found me (or we found each other).

My increase in standard of living allowed me to evaluate where I could increase my standards in other areas of my life and business. Where I could no longer tolerate certain kinds of prospects who did not acknowledge my value or time, on the other side of that, was a new client I received and adored. Where I no longer tolerated insulting and disrespectful behavior from acquaintances and friends, were new relationships with people whose love I felt deeply.

4. I Changed My Relationship to Food…and as a result, Changed My relationship to Myself.

My body forced me to work on this…I could no longer tolerate GMOs, and I was getting an allergic reaction to foods that were produced with intentions of sadness, fear, disgust. My body and mind would no longer tolerate non high vibrational thoughts, and substances. As a result, I had to really listen to myself - what was it needing in that moment? How could I nourish my body best? What nutrition was going to actually support me, not necessarily what nutritionists advised. Even while living in a warm climate, I was craving warm foods, and that contained a harmonious balance of yin and yang (often spoken about in a macrobiotic diet).

I invested in the highest quality water transported in sacred geometry glass (because I’m worth it ;) www.alivewater.com. I invested and muscle tested supplements that would nourish my body and uplift my energy.

At first I was purging and readjusting to what I could and couldn’t have (more on Ascension symptoms in another blog post). I started getting in the habit of being more intentional with how I felt when sitting down to eat. Was I feeling stressed? Then maybe I would go off and breath, meditate and empty my mind before sitting down with food. I became conscious of blessing and thanking food, holding peaceful intentions and being in the moment with food and experiencing what it felt, tasted like or smelled like rather than thinking of it as a chore before moving on to do my work and the 50 other things I had to do.

This mindful practice around eating made me think about other areas that I could be more mindful. How could I truly listen to what my higher self was asking me to do in every moment. Did it wish for exercise? Did it crave connection? Did it need creative expression that day? Or where could I take an aligned action step that would return results and an experience far greater than stressing and spraying my energy in different directions?

5. I Upgraded My Business Model…Again, And Watched The Universe Adjust Accordingly.

After doing more subconscious work, I came to know that the multidimensional aspects of me wanted to serve people at different echelons of society and of the world. I knew that for certain clients, I could continue to expand upon a very intimate experience and offering for those that desired it and for others I could touch with even a $10 dollar sub-product. Building a portfolio of content and offers was not a sign of disorganization and “not knowing my niche” as some business coaches would have me believe, it was helping me be accessible and call in more of my soulmate clients which I defined by their level of desire for self actualization rather than their demographics.

As my skillsets evolve, and I experience new consciousness upgrades, so does my capacity to receive more abundance as I called in and began a movement out of the body of work that was created through me. I’ll have more to say about this in an upcoming presentation which i will link back here.

Every time I reach a new level or plateau, the curiosity kicks in about what comes next? There is a never ending cycle of desire for creation and growth, and that is the name of the game. There is no limit to how much we can pivot, evolve, change, redirect, when we are on the self development path. Staying in the same place only makes us stagnant, and products and services that have taken their course should not be pushed just because of our attachment to the time and effort it took to produce them.


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