The Energy and Strategy for Calling in Your Dream Clients: Part 1


The Energy and Strategy for Calling in Your Dream Clients: Part 1


What you can do to actively call in your dream clients comes down to:  

1. Get to know your clients intimately 

2. Describe them in a detailed manner 

3. Understand How you will take them to where they want to go 

If you do the upfront work in this process, you are way ahead of the game and much more likely to magnetize customers to you, without you going out to find them. I’m not saying sit on your coach and just think good thoughts, but when you show up in different spaces, online and in person, you will meet and influence these people quite naturally because your positioning is so clear and your energy matches that of what you are calling in.

Get to know your clients intimately 

When we are launching or growing our business, we often overlook the most important process to ensuring our success: understanding who our audience is on a deep level. In marketing to businesses, you may think that niching to a particular sector or title is sufficient, and if you are marketing to individuals, you may just settle on demographics and shopping preferences. Early stage founders may not have the budget or willingness to shell out a lot of money to truly work out what speaks to their market - what tone, emotion, illustration, words, pricing model and product or service structure etc. so they settle on half baked concepts of what they think their audience needs, or they copy their competitors. They ultimately then go through what is the longer term more expensive route of trial and error. They get their website designed by a developer or hire a generalist copywriter to write their sales scripts, and then they have difficulty differentiating themselves in the marketplace. So it’s really ultimately crucial to spend a sufficient amount of time upfront to conduct market research.

Here are a few things you can do and it’s never too early or too late to start this process:

  1. Don’t just get a testimonial quote from your first few clients, interview them, understand from their perspective what was truly valuable about your approach and what was lacking from your offer or delivery of your product/service. 

  2. Survey and ask your potential customers what kind of product or information they desire, or what they have yet to find in the marketplace. Those are the hidden gems you can integrate into your product suite, offerings or content plan. 

  3. Notice what your competitors aren’t doing that could make you unique in your field. Could you add a layer of service on top of your product to make it premium (or vice versa)? Could you innovate on your methodology, approach, and customer service?

  4. Look at what search terms your audience is actively googling. There-in lies the gold mines of what they are already looking for a solution to. 

You can then document these efforts (and other marketing planning) inside the Sell Your Brilliance Strategy Workbook.

Describe them in a detailed manner 

Most of you understand the concept that what we think or vocalize has power and energy. Therefore, it’s extremely important to visualize who you want to attract by being specific about who they are. But am I alienating a larger group of people by being too narrow in my definition of them, you may ask? It is quite the opposite. But as you change, up-level and grow, you may add more avatars, or your avatar may evolve to the level at which you have taken yourself. Revisiting this exercise on at least a yearly basis is a healthy pursuit for calling in yet the next layer of your business. 

Here are some additional suggestions: 

  1. Don’t just write down their occupation or their position in life, but describe their deepest desires and readiness and willingness to see, hear and value what you have to offer.

  2. What was your why for starting the business you started? There are probably hundreds of other people that feel the same way you do. Tap into your own frustrations and insights through the experiences that you’ve had and add them as the pain-points of your clients. 

  3. Do a rough market sizing exercise to demonstrate to yourself just how many people you will be serving even when you get super specific. And if that pool is as small as 1000 people around the world, and you know how to serve them intimately and at a high level and they become repeat customers every year, that ultimately equates to a multi-million dollar business.  

 Understand how you will take them to where they want to go 

Do you know your own Brilliance? What do other people desire to have that is in you? What skillset, mindset, knowledge and perspective do you have that is unique ? When you understand yourself better, you can better convey during your discovery calls with prospects, about what exactly they are going to get from your offering that they cannot find anywhere else. If you know what you are good at, then it’s much easier to design a business that highlights your strengths. For example, I offer my clients both ways that they can develop processes and structure to uncover and then sell their brilliance (Virgo), combined with my understanding of intuition, energy, mystic teachings (Pisces) to help them understand themselves better and remove layers of limiting beliefs.

Some places to begin:

  1. You can start out by taking the Your Brilliance Archetype Quiz to know more about your inner hero and how to incorporate your archetype into your business.

  2. Find whatever tools you can to understand yourself better. I work with clients to uncover their astrology, gene keys, human design but you can supplement with enneagram, or anything else that resonates best with you. Use these as guides, not absolute truths and interpret them the way that makes sense to you.

  3. Get very clear on what you value the most. And what injustices in the world do you not only the desire but also the capacity to correct? Chances are your clients have the same outlook and they require guidance. The cause I feel most passionate about is that most people are not free to express the highest version of themselves because of the way society is structured, how we are brought up, the education we receive and out misunderstandings about money.

As always please reach out if you’d like help with creating clients and check out the Sell Your Brilliance Accelerator program, which will really help speed up your business design process overall. Stay tuned for a part 2 blog on this topic.


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